Event and Ticket info:

Become a Sponsor or Donate to “Freedom in the Pines”

Be a part of a top tier auction with PREMIUM items, featuring hunts, fishing trips, vacations, metal/ woodworks, art, outdoor gear, business services, and much more! Also included is a state-of-the-art silent auction and dessert auction.

Each ticket includes a place to bid in the auction, top-notch catering, and access to a free coffee bar! This will be a fun-filled, entertainment packed evening for all to enjoy! All proceeds go to the Freedom Church Lufkin Building Campaign.

Where: Eden Hill Event Venue

When: August 31st, 2023, 6:30pm (doors open @6)

How you Can Be a Part:

1.       Become a Sponsor

This will be a HUGE community event with hundreds of attendees- and will be the PERFECT opportunity to get the word out about your business!

Sponsorship Levels:

·         Platinum, $5000-Table at event (8 Tickets), XL Solo Banner, mention by name 2X throughout the night, named as “Catering Sponsor”, XL name on permanent plaque, XL name on poster, logo in slideshow.

·         Gold, $3000- Table at event (8 Tickets), Solo Banner, mentioned by name once throughout the night, large name on permanent plaque, large name on poster, logo in slideshow.

·         Silver, $1,500- Medium spot on shared banner, name on permanent plaque, medium name on poster, logo in slideshow.

·         Bronze, $750- Spot on shared banner, name on poster, logo in slideshow.


2.       Purchase a Table or Ticket and attend:

Purchase individual tickets, or an entire table with YOUR name on it- and be a part of the fun!

·         Tables: $500 Table for 8, $400 table for 6.

·         Tickets: $70 per person


3.       Donate an item for the auctions:

If you or your organization would like to donate an item to go in our live, silent, or dessert auction, your name will be listed as an individual sponsor of that item- all donations are TAX DEDUCTIBLE!

To become a sponsor, donate an item, or to purchase your tickets/ table, please call or text: 936-645-5880, or visit freedomchurchlufkin.org/buildingcampaign.

Thank You,


Jordan Collard, Pastor